Thursday, September 2, 2010

I love this!

OK OK STOP THE PRESSES WE'VE GOT SOME VERY IMPORTANT NEWS. Haha I got that form Mr. Harris, what a great teacher, can't believe that was two years ago. I love this!

Anyways, news? What is it? I WAS SUPER BOLD. Yeahhhh! Let's just say this friend that I want to be better friends with, well, we conversed and it was good conversing! Bahaha I'm so vague. It's probably sounding like I'm crushing on someone, and that's totally not the case! For one thing, it's a guy, and for another, well, the first one should explain everything enough lol. Anyways, we did have a bit of a conversation, and although it is a very, VERY small step, as in, microscopic step, it is a step forward and that is better than a step back. I love this!

Next up? John Heald! Yeah, the cruise director guy that blogs and I follow it religiously. You can find it HERE and if you go to today's post (September 2) then you can see a question that I posted about a month ago... AND HE REPLIED TO IT! I love when things like that happen. He said I was a great writer and that I should start my own blog (ha!) and also said he would interview a person on the ship that deals with computers and let me know all about him! That is just so cool! Ahh! I love this!

Last but not least, band. Yes, MARCHING BAND. It's what makes up most of my life, and tomorrow is like, one of our first big days. First, we have a pep rally, which is exciting. Second, we have our first game, which is ALWAYS super awesome fun whoohoo! Bahaha it's an away game (which in some ways is worse, but in more ways is so much better lol) and I can't wait! I love this!

I hope you are living life like nothing matters, because in the end, nothing really matters except you and your relationship with God. Get it? Got it? Good. Now, back onto the subject of you, if you're reading this blog, than that probably means I could write a whole paragraph about you, like the ones above, and it would probably end with a certain sentence like the next one in this paragraph. I love this!

A super busy weekend ahead, HAPPY FRIDAY, and I can't wait because I've got parties and outings and anniversaries and DISNEY and sleepovers (ruh-roh!) and everything in between. I LOVE THIS!

God loves you, and so do I! Remember this: the more you lower your head, the higher you can raise it.

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